佛法的內容,就是正覺的內容。佛陀曾經說過:假如你在白晝可以真實的去實踐佛法的話,日中即可印證佛法之真實不虛;乃至特別說明佛法是不待時節的,隨時隨地皆能自知自覺自作證。佛陀非常歡喜有眾生來學法修行,凡到來懇求出家者,佛都會說:善來比丘!至於 白衣 居士,佛一樣無私的作法佈施,因為經中有記載:諸佛出世,皆為了令眾生離苦得樂。佛之大慈大悲即可見一斑。
The Fundamental Knowledge in Safeguarding the Sangha Members(十一)
By Ven Kai Ren
10. To get enlightened together
Dharma is about enlightenment. Buddha did say: If you could really carry out/practice the Dharma in the day time then you could substantiate the authenticity of the Dharma by mid day. It needs to specify that get enlightened from the Dharma any day and any time. Buddha like very much when sentient beings approached Him for Dharma practice. He would tell those who came and begged to renounce the household: I will impart the Dharma to all Bhikkhus and lay men alike impartially. As recorded in the Sutra, the birth of Buddha was to save the sentient beings from sufferings.
Nevertheless, sentient beings are like boundless seas and it’s impossible for Him to save all. But at least a good condition has been planted. The only way to let the genuine Dharma to pass on endlessly is to let this pure Dharma be passed on by the Sangha from one generation to another generation. As far as Buddha’s followers are concerned, it’s not necessary to distinguish whether you are a monk or lay Buddhist because everyone is equal. Whoever attains enlightenment, who will be the Holy one. Nevertheless, we all aware that, in real life, the nature and character of every sentient being are different. Some prefer ascetic, some prefer otherwise. So one could practice the way according to one’s wish. Besides, Buddha observed the past six Buddhas, the pure living and noble actions vanished when the three of the Buddhas and His followers went into Nirvana because they did not introduce Vinaya and propagate widely what they had attained. Comparing all these factors, the Buddha decided to establish the so-called Sangha based on the six points of harmony or unity in a monastery.
Lay Buddhists need to know that they have not accomplished their tasks by just safeguarding the Sangha in terms of money, effort both physically and mentally but they need to practice hard of the Dharma.
Every Buddha follower is obliged or responsible for the continuity of the Dharma. As Sangha contributed more and with heavier responsibility, therefore, lay Buddhists should take the initiative to safeguard and support the Sangha.
The word “safeguarding the Sangha” covers wide aspect and quite difficult to elaborate in detail. This article mainly base on the point of view from lay Buddhists on Sangha and if I have time in future, I shall write about how Sangha are going to safeguard the Sangha.
Safeguarding the Sangha carries a great significance. There is a simile in the Sutra: Buddha is a medicine king, Dharma is the panacea, Sangha is the nurse. Sangha, in fact, can be considered as the nurse of the sentient beings. They will render their compassionate hands to the sentient beings are afflicted by the suffering of birth, age, sickness and death. This is the mission of the Sangha.
It’s because of this mission of the Sangha that the lay Buddhist should go all out to help, support and safeguard/protect the Sangha. (End)