















The Fundamental Knowledge in Safeguarding the Sangha Members(十)

By Ven Kai Ren


9. Continue the life of Buddha together


There is great significance in safeguarding the Sangha members because one should have correct perspective on Buddhism but also the taboos of the Sangha. Otherwise one may ruin the future of the monks.


Lay Buddhist should know how to safeguard the Sangha members as such action could let the Sangha members have a peace of mind to concentrate with their noble cause. Buddha did tell his disciples before his Nirbana that genuine Dharma would stay forever as long as His disciples could put the Dharma into practice. The ultimate objective of setting up the Sangha by Buddha was to let the Dharma to stay forever. And the monks and nuns or Bhikkhus or Bhikkhunis are part and parcel of the Sangha, how could we not go all out to safeguard the Sangha members?


There is no doubt that both the Sangha and lay Buddhists equally share the responsibility in shouldering the task of defending Buddhism and continue with the life of Buddhism. In real life, the monks and nuns or Sangha did not indulge in any productive activities and concentrate only in Dharma propagation and meditation. Therefore, lay Buddhists are needed to help them to manage the trivial issues in daily life.


When we study the intention and motive of Buddha to renounce the household to look for Nirbana, the complete cessation of suffering, it’s not difficult for us to discover that a Bhikkhu is duty bound to practise the Dharma and help the sentient beings. Such merit is worth every lay Buddhist to support. It looks as if we are safeguarding another person by safeguarding the Sangha, in reality, we are also safeguarding our life in the Dharma and genuine Dharma could be propagated endlessly. When Sangha members could have a peace of mind in running the temple affairs, lay Buddhists will have the opportunity to listen to Dharma.



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