在家的護法居士,要記得善意及有建設性的建議,出家眾一定會接受的,只要是出自一片真心真意就好了。溝通的技巧很重要,千萬莫以老賣老,也萬萬不能氣勢淩厲,忘了自己是 白衣 居士的身份。
The Fundamental Knowledge in Safeguarding the Sangha Members(六)
By Ven Kai Ren
5. Proper Suggestions
Preaching alone in places where the Dharma is unheard of can be very touching, but if self control is not strong, there is the possibility to be swallowed by bad factors. Sentient beings nowadays generally do not get spiritual peace, coupled with blind and rapid technological developments, many people do not enjoy inner harmony. At this moment, as students of the Buddha, we must render our assistance. If a monk prefers to propagate the Dharma alone at a particular place, lay persons should understand the monk’s motives and support him fully. At appropriate time, lay persons should also encourage new monks to go out to learn, but every year they should come back to the monastery to pay respect to their elders and to maintain relationship with other monks, unless their lessons or Dharma activities are so tight that they cannot do so.
In addition, if monks / nuns are good at speaking, lay persons should suggest to them to start Dharma talks, casual and ordinary preaching or systematic Dharma course. This can help to raise the quality of followers and the monastics can also get the benefits of teach-and-learn. It is quite common that without an external push, gradually a monk will become lax, but merely Dharma talks are not enough, there must be supplemented by other activities such as chanting, meditation, eight precepts etc. All these will naturally produce a force to improve for the monk as well as others.
Monks and nuns should participate in activities like Dharma assemblies, voluntary medical consultation and outdoor visits. Organisers should have the initiative to invite monks / nuns to give short Dharma explanations wherever and whenever possible so that participants understand the true meaning of the activities; at the same time such opportunities allow the monks to return to their proper role.
If a monk stays at an association run by lay persons, the lay persons should know that the monk cannot open his mouth to ask for money, not even for a single cent. The organisation should provide appropriate dana monthly, so that the monk will have some petty cash to spend on books, transport etc. If the monk wishes to go outstation, support should be rendered to him so that he does not have to worry.
Lay persons should remember well-intentioned and constructive suggestions will be accepted by monks / nuns. Communication skill is important. One should not count on seniority nor be arrogant, forgetting one’s position as a lay person.